Pure Plan cares about helping others to understand what CBD (cannabidiol) may do for you, and to know that there is hope – and relief. Hope is such a strong and powerful word, when you are hopeless. If you are suffering from pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression or sleeplessness… please don’t ever give up.
Our mission is and has been to deliver excellence and give people a product that will help them live their lives to the fullest.
It took 1 ½ years plus a lot of care and love for Pure Plan to create a premium product line. And yes, it costs more to deliver such a high-quality pure CBD product line with no fillers. Pure Plan is superior to less expensive CBD lines on the market today, and we encourage you to compare our ingredients.

Beckie Meisenheimer
Owner and Founder
Passion for Helping Others ~ Beckie’s passion is to help others know that there is hope to life’s struggles with chronic pain and the anxiety and depression that come with it. In seeking answers, Beckie found CBD and wanted to make the best products available to give people hope! That is why she started Pure Plan CBD.
Understanding Chronic Pain ~ Through her endless research, Beckie discovered CBD topicals and CBD oils are a wonderful way to help alleviate chronic pain as well as inflammation and decided to add a strong 3,500 mg. CBD tincture to her list of healing products to go along with the strong 3,500 mg. CBD pain relief lotion.
The Journey to CBD: Never Give Up! ~ Once she realized the powerful healing that CBD offered her, she started researching more into different sources of CBD. While trying numerous products, she discovered that some CBD worked and some didn’t.
Tragedy Leads to Discovery ~ Several years ago, while showing a potential buyer a home, Beckie fell and ruptured her back. As a result, she endured numerous back surgeries. Pain pills made her seriously ill. A Spinal Cord Back Stimulator was inserted in her back with which helped immensely, but her back was still ruptured, often making it hard to walk. Not long ago, while traveling, she tried to get out of bed and could not move. This was very scary, and being out of town made the situation worse. Her husband brought her some CBD oil cream that he had purchased from a local pharmacy and rubbed it on her back and legs. Within 10-15 minutes she was able to start walking again and began feeling better.
Finding Hope ~ After discovering that most CBD products had 90% fillers and only 10% CBD, she knew that if she could formulate a CBD product with mostly CBD and not many fillers, it would not only help her with her pain, but she could also help others that suffer from chronic pain.
Family Life ~ Family is the most important part of Beckie’s life. She has been married for 37 years to her husband, Bruce. Together they raised two wonderful sons, who are married to two darling, talented and smart daughters-in-law. Their growing family now includes three precious young grandsons and five dogs!
Hobbies ~ Beckie’s number one hobby is family, especially spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren. Her next most important hobby is work! Beckie believes work is a privilege and remembers when she was growing up, her Dad always told her, “You need to find a hobby.” She always told him, “My favorite hobby is work!” She believes this is what has made her life so successful! When Beckie isn’t hard at work, she loves to decorate for every holiday and family gathering. She also loves the mountains and her outdoor gardens.
Career ~ Beckie has been part of the Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage since 1993, and attributes a big part of the success of her 27 Year Real Estate career to her family’s constant support. She has won numerous awards for her work, including Salt Lake Board of Realtors 2006 Salesperson of the Year, International President’s Elite, Senior Sales Associate, and Top 1% Nationally. She has also received Top Ten, Quarterly Best, and Premier Performance since 1993.
Helping Others ~ Knowing this product has given her hope and relief from chronic pain, she prays it will do the same for others!

Brandon Black
Owner and Founder
Brandon is a dedicated family man who in his youth was very active snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding and biking. He was always coming home with bumps, bruises, and stitches. In 2003 he was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him with a few staples in his head and some major road rash. As Brandon aged, he started noticing that he had a lot of aches, pains and inflammation throughout his body. The main source of discomfort was in his lower back from what he believes were the results of the motorcycle accident. Getting out of bed every morning became a chore. This is where Pure Plan came into play. He and Beckie started talking and both wanted to find a natural source of comfort outside of traditional pain management. They then decided to formulate Pure Plan in hopes that its products would not only help them but would help others find the benefits of Pure Plan CBD.